Staff Pengajar Magister Farmasi Klinik
- Abdul Gofir, dr., Sp.S(K).
- Arief Nurrochmad, Dr., M.Si., M.Sc., Apt.
- Agung Endro Nugroho, Prof. Dr., M.Si., Apt
- Budi Mulyono, Prof., dr., SpPK-K., MM
- Chairun Wiedyaningsih, Dr., M.Kes., M.App.Sc., Apt.
- Djoko Wahyono, Prof., Dr., S.U., Apt.
- Dibyo Pramono, Dr. drg., S.U., MDSC.
- Erna Kristin, Dr., M.Sc., Apt.
- Fita Rahmawati, Dr., Sp.FRS., Apt.
- Ika Puspitasari, Dr., MSi., Apt.
- I Dewa Putu Pramantara S., dr., Sp.PD., K-Ger.
- Ismail Setyopranoto, dr., Dr., Sp.S(K)
- Iwan Dwiprahasto, Prof., dr., M.Med.Sc., Ph.D.
- Mustofa, Prof., Dr., M.Kes., Apt.
- Nanang Munif Yasin, Dr., M.Pharm., Apt.
- Probosuseno, dr., Sp.PD., K-Ger.
- Purwantiningsih, Dr., M.Si., Apt.
- Retno Murwanti, Dr., drh., M.P.
- Sugiyanto, Prof., Dr., S.U., Apt.
- Titik Nuryastuti, dr., M.Si., Ph.D, SpMK
- Tri Murti Andayani, Dr., Sp.FRS., Apt.
- Zullies Ikawati, Prof., Dr., Apt.
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