
The development of science, technology and national development requires high quality human resources, either in scientific development or practicing their expertise.Improving human resources quality can maintain and develop the continuity of various basic science and technology developments in the midst of interrelationships between scientific disciplines that are increasingly pluralistic and complex. Professional expertise for development and the ability to develop science and technology are urgent demands in all fields including the pharmaceutical field.

Faculty of Pharmacy UGM as one of  most experienced pharmacy education institution in Indonesia, contributes to the improvement of intellectual abilities in the field of pharmacy through excellent education, innovative research innovative research, and extensive networking so as to produce graduates who are able to manage change, innovate, and compete in accordance with the development of science and technology. This is realized through the Education Program Postgraduate Program, namely the Master of Pharmacy.

Master of Pharmaceutical Science Study Program (Accredited A In accordance with LAM-PTKes Decree No. 0408/LAMPTKes/Akr/Mag/XI/2020)